Should you use your existing hosting, or go with my hosting?

If you choose to sign up for hosting on my servers, it comes with a few big perks. To me, the most important one is that I am now the dedicated person that has to figure out any issues that come up regarding hosting. My clients seem to really enjoy not being the one that sits on hold with their hosting company and trying to decipher their tech-nerd jargon.

Along with me being the point person for hosting issues, your plan also comes with monthly backups to my cloud. This is paramount because if a hacker gets into your site, demolishes it with nasty viruses and links, I can simply perform a wipe-clean, and reinstall the latest version of the site. (Again, if you stayed with your existing hosting it would have had to be you that figured that out.)

hosting also comes with my base level maintenance plan

If you want a more robust plan, I also have a Maintenance plus plan

⚡Lightning fast speeds

The icing on the cake is that my hosting has super fast load speeds and that can make all the difference in viewer retention. People’s attention spans are so low that 1 second of waiting can make them navigate away from your site. Don’t lose money because your site is slow.

Already have hosting with someone else? Switch to mine and I'll migrate your site, for FREE

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